Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Thoughts on Retail Pharmacy

I have worked at a pharmacy fro about 19 months now, and I've noted a few trends that go on with patients regarding their medication habits. Here are a few of the more annoying ones.

1. If someone loses a their prescription and it is for a controlled substance, they demand to have it replaced because the world will end if they don't have it. However, no one ever loses their blood pressure, diabetes, or cholesterol drugs.

2. When people need refills for their controlled substances, and the doctor needs to be called for authorization, they like to call several times per day until we finally hear back from the doctor. Most people don't really care if their other meds are delayed in the same manner. Most people also don't realize that if they would take care of this before they run out, many headaches could be avoided.

3. Medcaid, while a great program that many people do need, causes people to lose any sense of responsibility for their own healthcare. Why should they call the doctor for something if there is someone at the pharmacy who can do it for me? What do you mean my medicaid isn't working? Can you call and get it fixed for me? Another thing is when people cruise through the drive-thru pharmacy in their new car and have medicaid. That's kind of annoying.

4. Speaking of drive-thru pharmacies, what is it with people and thinking that just because there is a piece of glass between them and the you, that gives them the right to be rude.

Well, I guess that's enough ranting for today.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Blogging, eh?

Inspired by family members who have stepped into the blogging arena, I decided to try my hand at the whole blogging thing. Of course, I don't know what makes me think that other people actually care what I have to say or do with my life, but you just never know. I hope no one is expecting much out of this, because it is sure to not be too exciting. I don't have deep thoughts on much of anything, so I probably won't be doing much heavy duty reflecting. I do read a lot of books though, so maybe I can comment on them. Once school starts back up in the fall again, my life will once again revolve around the pursuit of knowledge of pharmacy related items, but at least I only have 2 more years before my 7 year higher education odyssey comes to and end and maybe I'll have time to pursue other interests. Here's hoping that will happen.